A hand holding up the special camp business card —from our nonprofit rebrand intiative, STOKED.
A hand holding up the special camp business card —from our nonprofit rebrand intiative, STOKED.
Special Camp

An identity as special as they are.

Often times, branding is the last thing a nonprofit is thinking about. A perfect example? Special Camp for Special Kids in California—a week-long summer camp dedicated to giving young adults of all abilities a chance to have the best summers of their lives. Without the resources (or time) to create branding as heart-warming or fun as their mission, they couldn’t communicate their expertise, enthusiasm, or commitment to campers, their parents, volunteers, and larger donors.

As our STOKED 2017 recipient, we gave them a free, nonprofit rebrand that was as bright and fun as their summers.

Expertise in caring.

We began with an audit of the existing collateral, finding the pieces they were most proud of and learning about what they do and why they do it. The biggest find? Their unique 1:1 ratio between campers and counselors. With more specialized attention, a wider range of abilities can be cared for.

A lasting impact.

Our work began by redefining their story around that 1:1 selling point—they are “One to One. Friend to Friend. Heart to Heart.” From there, we shaped the new branding to highlight love, fun, and vibrancy in a way that feels modern and sophisticated.

Fun with purpose.

The new logo’s S and C come together to create the brand’s icon—a heart. In addition, easy-to-use patterns gives each application a different personality and a simple illustration style lets camp leaders refresh the theme every year, something critical for any nonprofit.

“We’ve never felt so connected to the brand and are thrilled to share everything with our participants. Each piece inspires new ideas and reminds us that the sky is the limit when it comes to the evolution of our program.” 

-Lindsay Eres and Stefani Baker, Special Camp Executive Director and Camp Operations Director

Awards + Recognition

  • HOW logo

living it. Culture /Lead by

truths in real time. Content /Real

Social /Fire up communities.

Campaign /Stop traffic. Drive action.
