
A space for a more complete
St. Pete narrative.

What began as a conversation with Truthshine’s founders, Tony Collins and Steve Sanger, turned into a passion project and then into a platform to highlight stories of racial injustice. Along the way, we got an education about our own community. Truthshine exists to reveal local stories that have been hidden, masked, or overlooked in the nostalgic storytelling of our city histories, built on the notion that we must help share a more complete understanding in order to create true justice.

To lay the groundwork for the Truthshine platform, we created a brand identity and story around the concept that we must shine a light to reveal the hidden essential stories of our community.

welcome to truthshine

This video, introducing the community to Truthshine (and its founders Tony and Steve), leads off the brand website, which serves as the key storytelling platform for Truthshine, highlighting important moments and celebrating those who have fought for justice in St. Petersburg.

As the brand launched, we created a package of social media posts to roll out highlighting stories from the Truthshine site.

living it. Culture /Lead by

truths in real time. Content /Real

Social /Fire up communities.

Campaign /Stop traffic. Drive action.
