We’re donating our services to a nonprofit with a mission to support the environment through conservation, eduction, innovation, or other efforts. Are you an NPO that needs an outward brand to reflect your inner beauty? Have you been struggling to tell your story in compelling way?
Just complete the application and tell us why you deserve to be this year’s chosen nonprofit for either a rebrand or creative campaign concept valued at $100K. It’s that easy!
We’re an agency on a mission to do good for those that do good. You bring the compelling cause and we’ll bring our abilities, resources, and partners, all to help your organization – for free!
Not a nonprofit but know a worthy cause that would appreciate a little brand or marketing love? Spread the word so they can submit!
Learn more about Stoked and the nonprofits we’ve supported here.
Make sure to check out all of the guidelines for the upcoming year in our Rules and Regulations.