Articles by: Nashira Babooram

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Brand Reveal

Brand New Reviews USF Rebrand

"This is the most enthused I’ve been by a university rebrand in some time, and that’s even without seeing many applications." - Armin Vit, Brand New

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Brand Reveal

USF Announces New Brand

After months of research, collaboration, and iteration, the University of South Florida (USF) shared a preview of their new brand during President Judy Genshaft’s Fall Address.

SPARK San Diego Office Exterior
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SPARK San Diego Office Opens

The move comes as part of an effort to better serve a west coast clientele that includes PetSmart Charities, PetSmart Inc. and Marriott.

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Agency Happenings

USF Selects SPARK as Agency of Record

Better brand recognition, enhanced perception and an increased awareness of the university’s student and faculty accomplishments were among the key objectives considered as USF reviewed more than a dozen agencies.

Special camp releases new rebrand
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Brand Reveal

Special Camp Reveals Rebrand

2017 STOKED recipient Special Camp revealed their fresh rebrand. Read more to see the before and after and learn how to apply for STOKED year 2.
